About Us
Dr.Manoj Sitaram Raorane born and brought up Rampur and his native place is Rampur, Tal. Chiplun.Nature’s Harmony Resort is his dream of developing his own native place i.e.Rampur. Which is fully blessed by nature but still is unknown to the world. Rampur being his native place he has his old ancient house in this village. He decided to develop his own native place in the name of Nature’s Harmony Resort. He constructed his own farmhouse and a tourist guest house near it.
At “NATURE’S HARMONY RESORT” tourism you can relax yourself and enjoy yourself with family and friends.It is the exclusive destination for honeymooners, Nature lovers, corporate tours, Picnic groups and youth.Everybody is looking for a break from the hectic routine of city life.
Rustic village surroundings and luxurious accommodation provide the exact transformation required to revitalize.“NATURE’S HARMONY RESORT” is a perfect permutation of nature’s simplicity and modern amenity.“NATURE’S HARMONY RESORT” is proposed to people who are looking for peace, outbound freedom, awesome natural experience, pollution free environment, tension free mood changing place, watching natural birds and ready to feeling various biodiversity keenly.
At-Rampur, On Guhagar – Chiplun Road, Tal – Chiplun, Dist – Ratnagiri.
Contact No
9423047565 / 9637794166
Email ID
Adv ID. : 31918